Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Eighth Letter to My Little One

In our next letter, we share the news of a poll we conducted in anticipation of possibly finding out the gender at our first ultrasound. We spoke with family and friends to get their guess and tallied their results. We also created a picture with the results to share via Facebook (keep scrolling after the letter to see). 


My Little One,

Your father and I are so excited to see you on the ultrasound on 12/14/12. We may even be lucky enough to find out your gender at this appointment! Mommy can already feel you moving around and sometimes Daddy can, too. Mommy plays classical music to you most nights! Maggie and Wes (our puppies) will lay on Mommy’s belly and we believe that they can hear you. Sometimes, they like this and sometimes it seems to catch them by surprise!
This week, we took a vote from our family as to whether they think you are a boy or girl. Although none of us knows for sure, it is fun to take a stab at who you may become! Here are the results: 


Aunt Brittany

Great Grandpa Butch
Grandma Claudia

Cousin Madison

Great Aunt Toni
Great Grandma Carol

Great Uncle Wade
Great Grandpa Greg

Cousin McKenzie
Grandpa Daryll

Cousin Samantha
Aunt Angela

Uncle Glenn
Uncle Kevin

Cousin Miles

Uncle Jason

Grandma Lori

Sister Mags
Grandpa Neil

Uncle Josh
Aunt Josie




Brother Wes


As of now, the votes are in, predicting you to be a girl!

Love You Always,

Mommy and Daddy

We took this poll and posted to following picture to Facebook and asked everyone for their vote:

Posting on Facebook gave us many additional votes on the gender and made it fun for us as we anticipated our ultrasound!

What fun ways have you come up with as you anticipate finding out the gender of your little one?

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