Monday, October 12, 2015

A Wedding & Running With a Bit of Color

We had a busy weekend. So busy that I'm looking forward to winter coming and being able to slow down and be stuck indoors. For the most part. The other half of me loves fall and all that comes with it!

We had a wedding to attend over the weekend. It's really one of the few weddings we have gone to since having our daughter. Weddings are hard with kids and they typically go way past our children's (and my own) bedtime. We decided to allow that for this one. Our kids both had a blast. I don't know when my daughter decided to no longer be shy, but it was so sweet to watch her seek out interactions and dancing with other children.
It's always makes me reminiscent of my own wedding day as I watch a couple commit themselves to one another. I can't believe how quickly time has gone since my own wedding. It will soon be 7 years ago!

On Sunday, I joined a friend for a color run. It was a rough run for me as temps were record high for October and the run was in the middle of the afternoon. It was hot! I was also exhausted from almost no sleep the night before. The race did go on and I am proud to put another 5k in the books!

With such a busy weekend behind us, I decided the kids (and I) definitely needed a day at home. So that's just what we did! We painted some and lounged most of the day away!

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