Tuesday, May 3, 2016


My precious babies, 

There are a few things I want you to know about this time in my life. You are both so little but bring so much into my life. I spend so much time thanking the Lord for allowing me to raise you. I am beyond blessed that my days (and nights) are filled with your smiling faces, little laughs, kissing away owies, and countless hours of rocking. This week alone, I witnessed Riley learn to play peek-a-boo on his own and start to wave bye-bye. As I did with Payton, I treasure these milestones and the privilege of bearing witness to your growing minds.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon at the park. It was a random Monday. We went because we could and the sun was out. This is a luxury not everyone gets. 

Your daddy surprised you there and brought a special treat (Sonic limeades). Both kids couldn't have been happier. We walked, talked, and fed the ducks and fish. It was a day well spent.
You both won't remember these days. I will. I can promise you both, I will cherish these memories for always. I honestly can't thank you enough for how full you have made my life.


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