Monday, May 21, 2018

Let's Freeze Time

Some days, life just feels so good, I wish I could freeze time. I mean, seriously, how do I have 3 beautiful children when it feels like I just graduated high school? I didn't just graduate high school. This is now more than a decade behind me. Yet, it still feels like yesterday.

The days I want to freeze are nothing out of the ordinary. I spent most of my time at home with my children and a small chunk of time out and about. So nothing special, yet my everything. And these faces:

These beautiful faces filling my phone with the best pictures of my life. Hands down, the best of everything for me. My daughter, who begs to be read to. It won't be long before she's reading on her own and not asking us constantly to tell her a story. I anticipate she will always have her nose in a book.

Our bubbly baby, who loves to fall asleep cuddling mama. I will blink and he will be running to keep up with his siblings. His starting to roll over this week was the little reminder I needed that time goes so fast.

And the last picture, my sweet, sweet middle child. He's always wanting to be our little helper and, on this day, felt he deserved a treat for how well he's done potty training. We can't argue that one, little man, so off I went with him to find a little special something to celebrate. How amazing it is that God can give us something so much better than we could have ever imagined for ourselves? Riley, God really knew what he was doing when he placed you gently into our family.

As the time does not slow down, you can find me breathing my sweet children in and holding them as tight as I possibly can for as long as they will let me. And then after that, I will cherish these moments of such a beautiful season of life where my love runs deep and the views are always breathtaking.

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