Saturday, November 3, 2018

Finishing Out October, Halloween, and November brings...

So I have been meaning to write this post for several days now and it just doesn't happen. Finding a few minutes to get anything done is really challenging. But life over here keeps on going.

October was good to us. The kids always love jumping in the leaves and can spend a whole afternoon dedicated to raking leaves and jumping in leaves on repeat.
 Jayden watches the big kids intently.
 We had a big thing happen at our house in October! Payton got her library card!
 I have gone back and forth as to when our kids get their cards and I really just kept procrastinating making a decision. I want my children old enough to understand the responsibility (and potential fees) that come with using a library card. She may have to learn the hard way but this will be good experience for her.

Now, Riley is already begging for his card. Not quite yet, buddy. One person at a time.
 The kids really wanted to have a pumpkin decorating party with their friends. We did this last year and had so much fun (see that here). We had 15 kids, plus moms, and a whole lot of craziness over here that day. I didn't take a single picture. Of any of it.

I did snag a few pictures of the pumpkins our family decorated.
3 kids keeps me busy and apparently too busy to remember to take pictures of our fun gatherings. Maybe next year.

While the weather has still been warm(ish), we've been trying to get outside while we can. The kids have taken a huge interest in our animals and our pets love the extra love.
 Again, Jayden can't get enough of watching his big siblings.
 It won't be long before you are chasing them, too, buddy.

And then Halloween came! Our kids love this holiday. We make our rounds at our local nursing home and just go to the houses of close friends. I let the kids have a "spooky" breakfast with all their Halloween decor on the table, lights off, and Halloween music playing. For dinner, we made hot dog mummies.

Costumes were a lot of fun this year, too, as all 3 kids were monkeys! 

 I have no idea if they will be the same thing or allow a theme next year but I am loving the years they agree to it (like pirates last year). Overall, it was a great Halloween with lots of fun, lots of candy, going to bed too late, and lots of laughter!

Then, November rolled in and we all got hit hard. With Sickness. Our family has colds and poor Jayden now has croup. We are all snuggled into our house and plan to hideout until we are all well again.

Hope your November is off to a great start! Pray for our health at our house!

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