Thursday, February 4, 2021

January meant baking, playing, schooling, and our 100 year old daughter... oh my!

January was a quick one and I am sneaking on here with only a few minutes to do my entire recap. So, pry little words and more pictures! They tell my story well on their own, I think. So, not a moment to waste.

Happy New Year! We celebrated at home, over the noon hour (noon year, get it) with our 3 babies. So fun: 
Is there anything cuter than kids saying cheers?!?!
We made prime rib sandwich dinner complete with festive ware (given to us).

As we are still in the pandemic, our family still chooses to do church at home. We have seen our kids grow in their faith with this route and I know it is right for us for right now. Here is a picture of them grabbing their bibles:

We found a youth pastor service that really speaks to our kids and they are loving his weekly sermons!

Also, the pandemic means so much time at home...

Preparing the garden for next year.
Payton volunteered to teach school one morning when she didn't have school. She chose a health course and spoke about how to keep our bodies healthy. She aspires to be a teacher some day and it was so fun to watch her in her own rhythm: 

We also squeeze in daily outdoor time, it's really important to us (and our sanity):

And is it ever too cold for ice cream? We think not:

Payton finished up a Christmas gift lamp that her aunt gave her. She loves crafts!

Twins!!! I still try to match with her as much as I can/she allows.

And also time spent enjoying the views outside from the inside:
Now just lots and lots of indoor activities and tv/cuddling time:

A picture Riley drew of a j word- Jayden. Jayden said it looked just like him and was so happy!

The Christmas cups I made the kids are out constantly. They have loved them so much already:
As always, lots of homemade goodies and food:

And remember my accident with my hand in December? As I type this, it is finally fully healed (and we have thanked God for that so many times). But, here is how I rolled into the New Year:
Ouch! I did get to a point where I could use my hands (for a bit until they got sore) and the family finally got their Christmas pies just a wee bit later than planned.


Payton celebrated 100 days at school (we took drinks) and got to dress up as a 100 year old granny that needs to go to sleep. If you've played that don't wake granny game, I think that was her inspiration:

So we ended the month feeling super blessed. God has been so good to us. We are excited to see what February brings! Have a great week (or month depending on when I am on here next). 

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