Tuesday, December 27, 2022

November Recap

 This post almost got totally bypassed as I forgot all about it. I sent the pictures over and then left it for weeks... I randomly remembered but if I started the December recap, I am betting this would have never gotten done. In any case, our November. It was fast and fun and my days are all running together.  So, I am just doing a photo dump and will explain the photos are we go:

Bedtime around here has been extra sweet, especially when Payton takes the extra few minutes to read to her brothers before bed. Both boys are working through bible studies with parents each night, a routine that Payton loves and now the boys are starting to enjoy as well. 
For the holiday feast, Monte went to eat lunch with Payton at school. Jayden and I went and ate lunch with Riley at school, but we forgot to take even one picture of the time together. Both kids enjoyed having guests with them for a meal! We love seeing them at school doing their own thing!
We go to a library near Payton's school weekly as she has piano there as well one night a week. One night we were there the library was hosting an ornament craft. All three kids made one, but we only got a picture of Payton. Seems to be a running them for November. Life just gets busy!
We made hot cocoa special for Jayden and he really enjoys this special treat!
For Thanksgiving, we went to my husband's parents house and had a great time with them. Again, one of the few pictures I got was of the 3 kids playing at the park together. I also took this random picture:


Cups I had made for my in-laws years ago, but now my children recognize 2 of the 3 sayings on them. So that was fun! They all wanted to use the cups they knew. It made my heart so happy.

One day we were randomly out running errands and we saw a free box in front of a house. Payton insisted on stopping. She found soooo many things! I have to laugh because I don't normally stop but the frugal Payton side is always seeming to find really good items. She always has her eyes on the lookout for a "free" box. 
Riley and I spent some time together cuddling while the other two kids were sleeping/playing. I sure love this sweet kid. 
We had one weekend where we divided up. Monte and Riley went hunting together at my in-laws land while I stayed home with Payton and Jayden. We had 2 birthday parties to attend, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The above picture is one of those parties. We also tried to wrap in all the extra fun we could, making a stop at the library in this same town after the party:
And also the park in this town, with their high lookout tower:
And right after Thanksgiving, it was time to pull out Christmas decor:
The kids were glad to see the gingerbread house come back out. I think this was the third year with it and it's starting to look very loved. I am not sure it will make it another year. 
The tree was set up and a few gifts went right under it. And our mantle was put together:



Then on one sunny day we got outside for exterior decor. The kids all get to get on the roof this one time for about 5 minutes before the lights are hung. They live for this day.

I took a belly shot at 18 weeks:

Each year I try to complete a project around the house and this year it was a gnome decor piece. 
One weekend in November, Monte was gone for deer hunting on his own with his family. He facetimed us to share a deer he saw. Riley was so excited. We were all thrilled when he got a deer and could finally return home to us. 

And that was the highlight of our month! November went fast and as I type this, I get a few days break before I start on December's recap. I have no sense of time!

Happy Holidays!

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