Monday, July 28, 2014

Does a Hammock Make For Good House Decor?

For Christmas last year, my husband surprised me with a hammock. This was a gift we had talked about for years but never actually took the plunge to buy.

6 months later and it's still in the box! Ugh! Maybe that's why we never purchased it before. We had a subconscious suspicion that may happen.

Well, another month passed us by and we decided we may as well open the box! We put it together in our sitting room on Friday and there it still sits today, which is Monday! I don't want to mislead you, as it isn't just sitting in our house not being used, quite the contrary. Our hammock has received a lot of love over this weekend and now the hubby is trying to convince me to leave it there.

To match the hammock, our weekend was all about lounging and relaxing, which was very much needed for our household. We mostly stayed home. I did meet up with a friend for some sidewalk sales shopping and lunch. My husband and I also took Payton to the pool for the first time. Otherwise, we were at home!

So, my question for you, does the hammock make for good house decor? What are your thoughts?

I also linked up this week to the Life of Faith blog, take a look!

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