Thursday, July 17, 2014

If You Want to Be Debt-Free

I think we all, to some degree, want to be debt-free, right? Uh, right?!?! It's kind of like asking if you want to win the lottery...

Since buying and moving into our new house (it's outrageous how much moving can cost), I feel I have been less focused on becoming debt-free. So, I made a trip to the library and checked out some motivational books pronto! I was so sucked in, I read all 3 books in about 3 days. 

Need to jump start your motivational drive on becoming debt-free? Here are some books I recommend:

1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

I think the title says it all! How else can you start getting out of debt and increasing your net worth if you aren't thinking like those who have already done that? This book will change how you think about money!

2. Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey

I talk about him all the time (see here and here for a few examples) so it should go without saying that I am going to recommend his work. Any book by him is a good refresher, but this one focuses on how he got to where he is now. Sometimes, it's just refreshing to know someone has made mistakes financially, too!

3. The Five Lessons A Millionaire Taught Me for Women by Richard Paul Evans

This book is targeted for all the ladies out there wanting financial independence. I am married, but this book really helps me take ownership of our family's money and hold myself accountable to our situation. This book will help you to realize the role you are playing when it comes to money, whether you are single or not!

Now, it's time to start focusing on getting out of debt! More to come on that soon...

What books do you read when you need to get motivated to get back on track with your finances?

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