Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Birthday Celebration

Yesterday, we celebrated a certain someone turning 5! It was just us this year but we made it extra fun. Monte took a few days off work. He took our bigs camping and Jayden and I drove out to spend the day with them at the lake. The kids swam, fished, rode bikes, played on the playground, and Jayden even napped!

I wanted to take several pictures of Riley while camping to celebrate him turning 5, but the one shot was about all he gave me.

We all came home to some beautiful succulents and started to prepare for Riley's birthday day celebration.
 His actual birthday was the next day after camping. So after unloading the camper, feeding hungry kids, and then getting them to bed, we made the scramble of decorating for Riley's party. Payton helped me make the dirt cake, as requested by the birthday boy:

Riley and Jayden both woke up extra early for Riley's birthday and Riley requested we get some pictures taken right away!

 We got some great shots. While taking pictures, a plane flew over the fields and I captured this beauty, one of my favorites:
When everyone else woke up, we got the party started. We had birthday cinnamon rolls and later ate that special dirt cake. Riley loved his gifts, especially the one Payton made him, a few weeks worth of crafts complete with an apron, friendship bracelet and handmade cards.

This was a great day! We received many cards in the mail, messages sent over, phone calls, and a few visits from friends.

Riley, you are so loved! You are our old soul who cares so deeply for those around him and their safety. You love to talk about the weather and always want to be outside. You can't wait to hunt and fish with your daddy. One day you hope to be a farmer and/or fly planes.

My hope for you is that you always find the happiness in life and that you stay so go with the flow. It will serve you well. I love you and your 5 year old heart. Can't wait to see what's in store for you in the next year!

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