Thursday, July 2, 2020

Our month of June in Review

This is the first post in a long, long time that I am not going to totally inundate you with pictures. There are still a lot of photos to share but about half of what I have been doing in the past. I don't really know why, but I have a few guesses of how I ended up with less pictures this month. The first is that I put my phone down and hid it away (or lost it) a lot. Some of this was purposeful as I really wanted to connect with my kids. Other times, I just totally lost my phone. Riley is now at an age where he likes to listen to audio books forever (like his sister) and so some afternoons he had my phone the whole time. Lastly, I think the change of COVID really caught up with us and we literally slowed down. We stopped to smell the roses, as to say.

The quiet life. I thought we already lived that, but this month has shown us that we can even slow down that much more. It's been good the just, well, breathe. I soaked up my kids, laughed a lot, and smiled watching just how happy my babies are, even with all the limits we still phase in this season of life. COVID has still left us in quarantine for the most part. One day, this season will end, and we will embrace that in so many ways. But, we will also love this time for all that it has offered us.

Sometimes, you take the good with the bad.

June- we may not have as many pictures to show for it, but you were so, so good to us!

 We literally stopped to smell the roses. 

I'm so thankful my roses bloomed leaving me feeling like I have a tiny little bit of a green thumb somewhere in there.

 We have been watching a momma duck and her 6 babies at the park this whole summer. And another duck is still sitting on her nest so we've been keeping an eye on her as well.
On our property, we still keep a close eye on some active baby bird nests. It's so fun! I would have missed so much life happening around me if I didn't have my children. Kids take the time to notice their world.

 One of our favorite spots, the children's museum opened back up by appointment only. We made a quick trip and had fun being back in one of our most familiar places.

We redid our floors in our kitchen and dining room! I'm so excited! Now we just need base trim throughout the house and this remodel can be done, done, done.

 I took a date night with Riley and we went to the park to play and feed the ducks. We haven't done much for date nights lately so we are trying to bring those back in to regular rotation.
 Jayden had several BIG appointments this month, including getting his cast off (yay!!!!) and getting a scope done. The scope went well and he did great, better than I could have ever imagined. He's seriously probably the strongest of us all in this household. 

And just so much fun around the home:

 Riley teaching his dog, Slush, to fish.

 Swimming and enjoying the views!

 Daddy with the best cuddlers!
 The boys watching tv.
 Riley enjoying a popsicle outside.
 So much swimming.

 Eating outside is a fairly regularly scheduled event when the weather is just right!
 Batman helping us fight for bug control!
 Payton's most recent art project.
 Jayden playing outside a few days before his cast came off.

 These two love spending time together.

The big kids made dinner one night. They assembled shish kabobs for the first time. It was delicious!
We ran a race! Our annual town's festival may have been cancelled but their annual run went on with the show virtually! They mapped out the streets for us to make our run and we did it as a family. It was such a good time. Riley placed first in his age group and made the local paper. Payton was the first done for our family and placed 12th overall. Both kids ran a good chunk of the time and we were amazed that they made it the whole way without needing to sit or be carried. Jayden rode in his stroller with daddy and loved watching the world around him. 

We won a contest at my husband's work! Children were asked to decorate bandanas for employees and we didn't hesitate to participate. All 3 kids helped with this bandana and they won 1st place!!!My husband received work money that he could use at the company store. The kids got to pick out several items for "their winnings," like snacks and reusable straws.

And that's a wrap for this month! I can't believe we are already over halfway into 2020. On to July! This month will be full of more summer fun I hope. And Riley has a birthday!!! We can't wait to celebrate one of our favorite boys!

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