Sunday, December 5, 2021

November: Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Hunting, and all the Fall Fun

 How do these posts seem to sneak up on me faster and faster. Time, always a funny thing. It speeds up as I age no matter how much I want to slow it down. So, here we are, another month down. Another photo dump with a brief description of what's going on in our life:

We got our first snow! So light and gone within a few hours. But, Jayden bundled up and played in it and the kids came home talking about trying to catch snowflakes in their mouths at recess. We didn't see any more snow this month, which is unusual but we aren't complaining! We have already had a 75 degree day in December, so unheard of!
Our girl was put in our local paper and our son spotted her in it at school. His teacher let him bring it home. Always good and so fun to see our family show up randomly in the papers!

Around the house and together time:
The kids reading together. It's so fun now that Payton reads to them all the time. I love watching them together.
We got a ymca membership and the kids have been loving working out on the indoor track and playing raquetball. Here, were worked out on the track and got to watch a pickleball tournament in action!

We took a trip to my husband's parent's land. This was a fun getaway and Payton and Riley got to take a hunting trip with their dad and grandpa on the land:

We saw lots of deer and found some antlers but didn't get a deer. The kids had a blast and will treasure being on their grandparents property for most of their life. 

Back at home:
Jayden has blown us away with his creativity. He wasn't feeling well most of this month so we spent lots of time at home and he started building his own designs for marble mazes. 
Payton has been helping with meals and is seen here helping me make meatloaf. She still declared this meal not to be her favorite but it does seem to help her to eat the meal a bit better since she made. 

Last month, I spoke of my grandfather being sick and would probably pass away, despite all the medical interventions he was given. He did indeed pass away and my family has been mourning our loss deeply, in our own way. The last day he took his breath, I let our dog out at 5am and saw the most beautiful full moon. My picture at the top doesn't do it justice at all but it was so vivid and bright and beautiful. From God straight to my sad heart. 

I have witnessed the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets since his passing (like the second picture above) with the most beautiful red, blue, and yellow colors. I have also seen our red cardinal (which I truly believe is our dog Wes visiting) and have seen 5 pheasants on our property (It's been almost a year since spotting pheasants I think and I have never seen this big of a group). God continues to remind me of his love for us all, even in time of grieving. 

The saddest and most confusing part of grief is that our lives keep going. Even around our own house, my kids still show joy and love and are learning something new daily. Like the picture below where Jayden is learning to make bread with me:
And then we went on to make cake (and jello dinosaur eggs at Jayden's request) for my husband's birthday:

Time keeps going. And Monte's birthday came and we celebrated it as well as we know how! With a certificate of excellence:
And a party and homemade cake:
Sprinkled in with a few gifts:
Payton picked this cup out herself and is so excited for her dad!
We also went out to eat, a really rare treat for all of us. Since our diagnosis of food allergies a few years ago, we are not sure we have sat down at a restaurant as a family of 5 but a time or two. We didn't even take a picture there we were having so much fun! It was good for all of us.

A few more random pictures of me finding my kids together playing together well and enjoying life:

Oh, my kids. They make the grief of life so much more bearable. They remind me to laugh and play and joke and run. They truly keep me going. 
Along with other things that keep me going, I just finished this growing slow bible study and it was so good I am already rereading the book that goes along with the study. I am really, really trying to slow down and enjoy life, soaking up the moments. So many moments worth soaking up that God gives me.

But it's hard and a real challenge to stay mindful of the moment. I work hard at it and fail a lot. I will keep trying though. 
Jayden and I made so much bread this month. Here is a picture of raisin bread with homemade hot cocoa, a true (what I hope anyways) staple of my kid's childhood. We may have food allergies but I have worked hard to make my kids still have the things in life that remind me of my own childhood. The things that help us build our memories of life. 

Here is a picture of a child who truly loves his hot cocoa, made with love by his mama:
While I am on the wistful childhood memories saga, I took these pictures of my kids outside and was truly thankful as I snapped them:

God has been so good to us and blessed us with space to grow and play. I grew up in with a neighborhood and will always be so thankful for the time with friends and a million houses to call a second home, but.. I am also thankful for the country life in this season. My children only have each other to play with and they expand across the whole chunk of land we are provided with. And yet, both my childhood and theirs are extraordinarily full!

I can see the difference and am ever so thankful for the same result. 

This month we also all landed in the doctor's office. 2 of the 3 kids were sick and, by sheer schedule availability, I took all 3 to an appointment together. 
This picture shows kids playing quietly, which they did for the first 30 minutes. Unfortunately, this appointment took almost 2 hours and ended so poorly I will probably forever rank this as one of my hardest appointments. But, no one was really feeling their greatest and we were all tired and ready to just be home. 

I did enjoy my bonus days with my daughter as she stayed home from school. We did sneak a few times to a quiet park and played just to get some fresh air. 
And, with all the sickness, my middle child (who stayed healthy this round) took the back seat so much. One night after school I decided to sneak out with him. We got a meal and I heard all about his week. A real treat for me and he enjoyed it so much:

And then Riley ended sick later in the month and we got a few bonus days with him:

Naturally, we made cookies and colored, at the request of Riley. It was so fun to watch my boys and reminded me of the few years I got to keep Riley with me while Payton went to school. 

Again, time, it just goes so fast. 
We updated our bathroom pictures and now Jayden is finally in there as well:
We also finished out our food game strong for the Husker season:
Something Payton quite enjoys:

Jayden got some new clothes out as he is just growing and growing. Here he is modeling some of them:

I made it to lunch with my kids for their annual turkey feast. When it came down to it, even at the last minute, I didn't know if I would make it. Jayden was having lots of tummy issues and we weren't sure if his dad could come home to hang out with him while I went to lunch. As a team, sometimes it is down the minute that we can swing it, but we do work hard to show up. I may have arrived late but the fast that I was there seemed to be enough:
I even went to recess and got to see my children and their friends:

I will always be super grateful to the moments I get. And I hope my children remember how much we showed up even when it was a huge struggle.

I came home and started to prepare for our Thanksgiving. This year we spent it on our own (due to health issues, schedules, and just life in general). My mom came down on Thanksgiving day and spent the weekend with us. We are so grateful for that time with her.

                                                        Sour cherry pie and pumpkin pie
                                                Thanksgiving day. Thankful for our turkeys.
                                                            Bike riding after a huge lunch.
This hen followed Riley and me the whole time we were out walking and riding bikes. She was celebrating, too:
We played a round of baseball at the diamonds:
And pulled out the Christmas stuff! The games went really well:
We took grandma to play racquetball. Here is a picture of Payton and I making an attempt to learn the game:
I think that Jayden requested this picture, he really likes his yogurt:
Another picture of Payton reading to Jayden, I really can't get enough of it:
To end our Thanksgiving break, Monte took the big kids pheasant hunting:
They didn't get anything but they had a blast going and are already asking to go again. 

As I end this month, I want to share a picture that will be meaningless to look at:
But this tote and box provided greatly (at least I hope it did) for another family. We adopted a family this year for Christmas. The mother put she was okay with used clothing and toys. She had 4 children and 3 of them were all just a bit younger than mine. So... we filled a tote of clothes and toys and hats and coats. Then we filled the box with presents they had requested and wanted and needed. It was a lot and I am sure a bit overwhelming. I have already heard from the mother several times who is so very grateful for how we blessed them.

I say this as to remind us all that we should take some time to really focus on how we can give this season. My hope is that my children learn that the holiday isn't so much about gifts for themselves (although that is still a struggle with being a center of topics) but to be reminded that God calls us to serve and give to others. I hope we are reminding our children and leading by example that we are really called to be more like Jesus. Give more. Love more. 

So, as you read this, I really want to challenge you to consider to find a way or two that you can give back. Maybe, in a way that really is a challenge for you. Maybe with your time, your money, your stuff. Only you know what is hard and tricky. But use that hard and tricky and try it. See if it changes you. 

Happy Thanksgiving and praying that God uses our family and you to bless the world in the month of December!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful family! I love to look over your month of fun even through the hard times! And the message of serving and kindness to improve the world.


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