Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas Concert

 A few days ago our school had their Christmas concert. Two of our 3 kids, now in school, were a part of this concert. We had so much fun watching them. I took very few pictures but 1 picture of walking into the school.

They were very excited to be at the concert but it was on Monday, after a full day of school and coming off of a super busy weekend and also so very close to bedtime. We made it and had a blast! I just wish I had more to show of it.

The next day, I got a message from my friend. Her daughter had a solo (she did an amazing job at) and asked if I noticed Payton giving Faith the thumbs up during her solo. I hadn't. I then saw the footage and was so surprised to see the level of support my daughter had given (later finding out that her friend had been super nervous before the concert).

This picture warms my heart so much. Here is what I typed out to my family that day in response:

May we all be the friend that can cheer on another friend. Payton was so disappointed to not get a solo for this Christmas Concert but she continued to support one of her best friends that did. As a mom it is so hard to watch our kids not get the things they really want. But the best things that happen are the rare moments you catch when you truly see how much sunshine our children bring to Earth, even in spite of our own hurts. 

Let's choose to change the world by celebrating someone else in their good moments. Be the friend we want to be. Love others as we want to be loved. 

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