Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our May

 It's full on summer around here. Complete with 90+ degree temperatures and kids home all day, every day. I may be an odd mom, but I am 100% here for it.

The first part of the month, we were still in the school routine for my big 3 and then I was home during the day with the baby. We keep ourselves entertained. We went to our last monthly mingle at the children's museum for the month:

And just played at home:
Avery loves being outside and playing. She also has to bring her babies with her everywhere, it's the cutest thing to watch her carry them and hug/kiss them. She is obsessed:
Working on her writing skills here, she's a natural:
Getting outside:
Payton's teacher sent me this photo. She got to try sushi for the first time (and loved), now the kids want to do this for our summer bucket list:
And then, the end came. The last day of school was here and our family was all excitement! I thought Jayden wouldn't be as he didn't partake in the countdown but by the last few days he accepted the end of the school year and was looking forward to all things summer.
We sent some teacher gifts with them:

And when they let out at 11, we all went to the park for a lunch meet up with daddy. He brought Jimmy Johns sandwiches and I brought all the drinks and sides:
They are all mine again for the summer and I am so very thankful for this time with them. So excited for summer break 2024!

We kicked it off with a warhead eating challenge, my mouth is watering with the tangy taste as I even type this:
We all survived and only a few spit them out. But definitely won't be doing again any time soon. I also snapped this photo after the challenge:

The rest of this summer break has so far been full of so many of our usual favorite things:

Trying out s'mores: 
We have had several picnic lunches at our house:
Sitting outside:
Taking naps:
We are on the constant hunt for bird nests on our property:

Watching sunsets:

Walking to get the mail together:
A few activities, including Riley playing for one ball tournament:
And going to the summer reading program kick off. Payton and I did an escape room here that was so very fun and Payton's first time:
We tried and upside down strawberry cake we all loved:
And made sourdough english muffins:
For Mother's day, Riley brought home the sweetest little plan for me that he made at school:
We also started off our break with a little vacation out of town to see our nephew graduate high school. We loved the time to see cousins and a little hotel swimming and tv time:
Jayden took some swimming lessons. Riley tested out of swim, so we have 2 kids done now:
One random afternoon the boys made chocolate chip cookies together:
Oh, and Jayden lost his first tooth! And his second came out not too long after:
Our cousins came to town so we went out and met them for an afternoon of play:
There is always so much to do just outside our door:
Or at our local park:
Or our local ymca when it's too cold out to swim at the public pool, we head to their indoor pool:

All in all, it's been a great start to our summer break. May has been good to us! See you for the June recap.

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