Sunday, July 14, 2024

Happy Birthday Riley!

 Happy Birthday to our sweet second born child! We took today to celebrate just our family, exactly as Riley requested. Our day was complete with a big breakfast, church, fishing, chinese food, and a nerf gun family war. A day completely catered to Riley, the one who rarely takes the lead in making decisions for the group. We served homemade chocolate cake and were treated to special calls from both grandparents along with texts from aunts, uncles, and friends. 

Payton was able to find some Harry Potter movies and a dvd on learning how to play the guitar. Jayden gave Riley a homemade card. We got him a pedometer watch he has been begging for. He is hoping to track his steps and see how far he goes in a day. I am fairly curious about the results as well.

I am so honored to call this child mine and spending today with him:

This past year has been so much fun as we watched him really find his footing at school. I can't wait to see what it in store for him in this next year. 

On the eve of his birthday, just as the sun went down we headed outside and snapped a few pictures. 

Time goes so fast. I so wish I could slow it down. Always a bittersweet moment in time for me. 


Thank you for being you. My cautious, easy going, mild tempered child. You are always willing to go along for the ride and will try anything new as long as it isn't risky. You have always been quick to forgive and to seek out trying to calm someone down with a hug. Math comes really easy to you and you have had to really work at learning to read, but my goodness, your skills have shot up so high this year. You are my sweet reminder that when we decide we are ready, we can totally do it. Sometimes, the patience comes in the waiting for someone to decide they are ready. You always seem to know what it's right for you. Don't ever forget to trust your intuition. You've got this, all of what life has in store for you. And, I'll be right here to help you up if you fall.

As I reflect on this year, you have worked so hard at basketball, football, and learning how to run with good form. You raced me the other day and have surpassed my level of school. As in, you kicked my butt. You love to read and have paced yourself to read as many books as you can over summer break. You currently sit at 20 books, when I was hoping for at least 3. You completed swim lessons forever and I love watching you learn more and more skills as you swim confidently. A few days before your birthday, you successfully completed a front flip off the diving board.

I love you more than words could ever say. God really knew what he was doing when he put you into our family and gave you a mid summer birthday. Your day truly matches the timing of your birth, you are so carefree and go with the flow. Oh, and you also love summer (and no school). 

You are one of the sweetest kids I could have ever imagined. 



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