Thursday, September 26, 2024

August Recap

 August means the end of summer and beginning of another season. For us, this year, that meant sending 3 kids back to school. But before we share back to school photos, let us stay in summer just a heartbeat longer. Long live summer. Let's start with the state fair:

So, this could possibly be there first time ever we made the 1.5 hour drive to the state fair. There is a bit of debate on that as I swear I went once with the oldest two when they were really little. Of course they wouldn't remember. But also my husband doesn't remember and my mother didn't either (the two people I think I went with, well one of them at least). In any case, we all had a blast! We saw all the exhibits, part of the dog show, rode the sky line and then let the kids do a few rides each at the carnival. My sister and her children were also there so we got to see them and we also ran into a few classmates from school. 
Payton was on the extremely high swing ride in this picture!

I also had it on the bucket list to make it to my hometown at least once this summer and make it once we did. We squeezed it in, during one of the last weeks of summer. But, we got it done! With a baby in tow, I planned for extra stops on the ride. Here we are at one of the parks on the drive:

We all made the most wanted list! Ha! 

There was also a dinosaur museum I have wanted to stop at for years but it has very limited hours. This time though was our lucky day and we stopped when it was opened and we had some time to go through:

While in my hometown, we love to see family and we also love to do the tourist thing. Got out to all the water sights!
There are also some trails in the city park so we made sure to spend part of a day there.

And we also made it to a playground:
Overall, it was a great trip back to my former home. 

Then the last few days of summer we did all we could squeeze in. Hot tubbing with lots of mysterious extra bubbles:

The lake, is always a must:
And, just like that we were back to school:
I am never ready for this day. I could be on team summer forever. I could also homeschool my kids. Call me weird. Call me crazy. But, these are truly the days.

Now that it is just Avery and me again we are really starting to find our rhythm. Avery is really warming up to the splash pad:

We found a bounce house:
And mostly we are just doing all the things at home trying to keep up the house and enjoy our time playing together. Our favorite part of the day is having the kids back with us. We both get so excited. 

Speaking of having everyone together. Here are a few of our highlights on when we are all together.

We painted Riley's new room! He moved to a room by himself and he is quite thrilled and has adjusted so much better than I thought he would:
We have baked!
Riley is loving making sourdough bread.

I have paused to marvel at the beauty of the things that I have been growing, besides my kids:
We had company. Monte's parents came to stay and they all watched the football game together:
Jayden was thrilled to challenge grandma to endless rounds of uno again:
And that's a wrap. Our whole August summed up in a few minimal words! Life, we are here for it. And it goes too fast. 

I am looking forward to fall weather now as it feels nearer and nearer!

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