We have done so many fun art projects that I couldn't go without this being addressed. Also, since we home school for preschool, this topic is a huge part of our life during the week.
We had a farm animal week complete with Charlotte's web, learning about cows and pigs (thanks to ABC Mouse, and made dirty pigs (thanks pinterest).
Then, in celebration of Halloween and fall we did tons of pumpkin projects, fall leaves projects, and made a spooky house.
I also found a fun scarecrow project where we worked hard on our shapes, cutting with scissors, and gluing skills.
I'm looking forward to November but have yet to create all my plans! But lots of art still to come!
Craft Event with Friends
I went to a craft event with my friends and is such a rarity that it probably needs documented. There were no kids, one art project, and a whole lot of laughs. I had a blast but am still working on my project after bringing it home.
I brought this home as a door hanger and took it apart to make on a sign. I added the purple dots and spider web to it. I think it still needs a bow or something more but, for now, it is going to storage. I will figure it out next year. Because that's how I roll sometimes. Projects can take years to complete.
Parent Teacher Conferences
How am I old enough to be going to this? How is my child old enough for kindergarten? I still don't know.
But, here we are. And... we survived. Conferences went well and our daughter's teacher initiated us with the best review we could hope for.
We even got a sitter and went to dinner afterwards! That never happens but probably should more often.
A Trip to My Hometown
Sometimes you just have to go back home. Not to the home I live at now but my home I grew up in. The actual house in the actual town. It's just the best. Not all adults still have access to their childhood home or knew only 1 home. I am one of the lucky ones. And, even with 3 kids running around it now, it still breathes home to me.
Our trip was short and sweet but made me want to pick up and move back home. I miss it so. And seeing my children with their cousins and just feeling the support of a village is so good for the soul. The scenery is nothing to complain about either.
Lunch at School
My mother came to visit during the week this month and let me go to have lunch with my daughter at school. It meant so much to me and I loved feeling like a kindergartner for a few hours. I had lunch and went to recess. You know, the best parts of an kindergartner's life.
The Pumpkin Patch
While my mother was here we also went to the pumpkin patch one morning. We just barely beat the rain, were sad there wasn't a maze to get lost in this year, and enjoyed cotton candy and hot cider. Overall, it doesn't disappoint.
Around the House
My favorite pictures of all time will probably always come from times where we really weren't doing anything. Just watching our kids be kids. They are living their best life though and it's so beautiful to be invited along for the show.
I swung by Goodwill and picked up the above toy. We put a battery in it and were surprised it still worked. The kids were playing fine with it before but totally love driving it on our side road!
One night Payton came home from school and asked to take a bath alone and paint. This is something the boys do frequently in the mornings and Payton misses this activity since she's at school. I obliged and was blown away by how much her artwork has evolved. I guess kindergarten does that.
We also took another trip to the children's museum for their second breakfast day. The boys had a blast:
The kids also wanted to go all out cheering for the Huskers and made me paint their faces. Jayden wanted nothing to do with this but was more than willing to take a picture.
Exploring new Areas
We spent an afternoon exploring a park we had never been to before and finally took the time to climb their tall tower overlooking the entire park and town. Riley was very scared to climb this tower but was so glad we made him (his dad carried him crying most of the way up). He smiled bravely for a picture, soaked up the scenery and had zero issues coming back down on his own. He was the most proud for making this trip. All 3 kids ask constantly to go back. Along with a lookout tower they also had some really cool playgrounds, lake, and trails. We want to go back soon.
Halloween Decorating Party
Every year I debate having a Halloween decorating party with friends. I go back and forth, back and forth. In the end, I do it and I have yet to regret it. Hands down, the best time. We get a ton of kids together and let them go crazy. With just basic art supplies and stickers though. I'm not ready for painting or carving... yet.
The kids did almost all the decorating set up this year and I love seeing how they take ideas and run with them.
Until next year I will be thinking of even more fun things to add to our decorating party! But while I was thinking about it, I took a look back at our 2017 party and 2018 party.
This year the kids decided to go with PJ masks on Halloween night. But, we went to so many halloween events this year that, up until that point, the kids were allowed to pick any costume out of our costume box. We get so many hand me down costumes from cousins that I threw it all in an oversized tote and the kids choose their costumes from that. They also play dress up using that tote all year long. It's a total win for us!
And I am so, so thankful for another year of these 3 being convinced to be a theme together. I hope they always do this for me but know one day they may say no.
I never get too crazy with my Halloween meals but we love to do these mummy wraps each year. I also made ketchup faces and served the kids with ghost string cheeses (ghosts drawn with marker on the package) for breakfast. Really easy stuff but so much fun.
The boys wanted to make cupcakes, so we did. Then, I challenged them all to a decorating contest. We had so much fun.
We each decorated our cupcakes at different times during the day and then we showed them all to each other at the same time. Of course we had to sample them as well.
The kids also made Jack-O-lanterns.

The boys went to story time. They picked their bee costume and batman outfit:
We also went to Target's Paw Patrol event:
And Cabela's trick or treating event. They supply us with a great photo opportunity:
While we were out trick or treating that night, Payton insisted on a picture at the library:
She makes me laugh at her picture ideas. All in all it was a great holiday and we loved seeing all our friends the most. I love that this just gives us an excuse to visit everyone!
Such a busy month but I am certain our life is so well spent and just what our little family needs. We can't wait for November as it brings so much family time for all of us.
Have a great week!