November, November, November! Fastest moth ever! We are only four days into December and I already feel like November is waaaay behind us. We just continue to weave between a whole lot of everything and nothing at the same time. We continue to spend most of our time at home as the pandemic continues. That isn't a bad thing necessarily for our house as we have so many projects and ideas and things to do. There's still a lot of chaos and noise inside our 4 walls.
So let's dive in for a recap:
Payton wanted to play photographer. In a season of so much free time, we just let her, no questions asked or monitoring. We later found these gems of her brother, along with videos of the two of them dancing and playing together:
We were just the 5 of us for Thanksgiving but we still enjoyed our day. We had special Holiday punch, made pie, and fixed a meal fit for 20! We ate for days!
We spent the afternoon bouncing between the 2 parks in town playing tennis and baseball. We try to keep a tradition of doing something active on Thanksgiving day. It's all about balance between extra eating, extra sitting.
We also made mimosas for the adults! It was good to have a little something special for us as well over the quiet holiday. Payton also took a photo of my husband and me together as well. One of the rare times we are documented together any more, it seems.
On one of the random nice days (weather wise) we got out lights and Christmas decorations out and the kids got a few minutes on the roof (they begged and dad caved):

I watched them hold hands and hug most of the time up there. It was so sweet to watch but nearly gave me a heart attack. I was happy to have them back on solid ground.
We spent a lot of time starting to watch Christmas movies. The kids decided to "camp" and watch Home Alone:
I hope this boy never stops holding my hand:
We have been doing so much preschool fun! Dragon day, spiderman puzzles (which my 5 year old can do on his own), Train exploration activities (complete with a stop at our train depot), color mixing (one of my favorite preschool lessons to do) and letter making:
We made our thankful turkey:
And, as always, lots and lots of outside time. We love exploring our own backyard:
A day of matching outfits and sweet boys:
We made a stop at the park one day:
We made a trip out of state for medical appointments for our youngest. He ended up getting so sick that first night, we stayed but didn't make our appointments. After 24 hours, you would have never thought he was even sick. We now think it was altitude issues. The big kids still got to go to the zoo but he and I spend the entire trip in a motel room.
This beautiful pic of a sleeping child. I know he will do big things in life, but sometimes he just needs to rest.
This was the only picture from the trip I came home with. We will try this trip again and hopefully have better results next time, along with a new plan.
In November, I voted. I did the drop off box and we talked with the kids about the entire process. It was so great to help them understand the process:
The bounce house! We love this thing so much and it's 100% worth the investment:
We got outside for the fire pit and smores:
My super creative sister started a side hustle this year and made chocolate dragon eggs. The kids had a blast breaking into them and eating all the fun candy inside:
With the food allergies of my youngest, he wasn't left out! My sister sent me a mold and I made something for him as well:

This month, we also ventured out to the park several times:
It was my husband's birthday in November and we tried to make it as special as he is. We celebrated a day early since we were traveling (the above story about our youngest being sick) on his actual day. We kicked off the (albeit early) day with breakfast waffles, played games, danced, and reminded him all day how loved he was:
Riley made him a pumpkin birthday present, a creation we put together during preschool art time:
As we wrap up this month, we are already planning the birthday of our baby of the house. He will be 3 in December. I'm already a mess trying to process how fast 3 years flew by. The child that is still asking me for a picture all the time. He's grown so much, especially as we think specifically in regards to medically. I'm so thankful for him and that God gave us 3 whole years with him:
This last picture is one of him using his hand to write. His thumb had surgery earlier this year and he just continues to "wow" us as he grasps, pinches, and uses his thumb. We can't wait to celebrate this baby in December and remind him of just how much he is truly loved in this house!
If I could slow down time, I would, but I think I've said that on repeat throughout this blog. The saying that it goes fast is ever so true. And it's so hard on me. But, I am also truly enjoying seeing my children grow and I'm so excited to see the people they will become. So, onward to December we go!
Happy Holidays!