May, May, why couldn't you stay? I love May. The end of school, although the last few weeks are always go, go, go and complete survival. But, we got out early this year (second week of May) which gave us time to actually ease into break before many in our area. And that, I truly loved.
But first, May first is May Day around here and something that we celebrate in the Midwest. We made little baskets for our neighbors and ran them around. We keep it really simple and easy but we do try to participate:

The weather at the beginning of the month was interesting as we got some snow that first week:
It quickly melted though and we played in it that afternoon. We still had coats on as it was chilly:
The big kids only went to school until May 12th and then we were out for summer break. But, we soaked up every second of the last of the quiet time Jayden and I would have together.
We made homemade subway bread and cookies!
We swam (a few times):
Actually,. one night before everyone got out of school, we also brought the whole family, too:
We also went to an event day at our kid's school called field day:
And then we also went to our kid's concert:
My mom came to visit and attend Payton's second piano recital. I loved visiting with her.
Eating pretend "asparagus" Jayden made for us
Our family picture before heading out to Payton's piano recital.
We even took grandma out for special coffee house treats:
And finally made it to the last day of school (sign is with our teacher gifts we also took):
We celebrate the first day of summer by going to our beloved coffee house, the kids had begged for!
Our dog, Maggie, was also super excited to have the kids home and I found this sweet picture of her on my phone:
We took a trip to my hometown and got to be tourists. We almost never get to do the touristy stuff as seeing family keeps us super busy. But, this trip our extended family had several things going on so we saw them some and got out to explore for the rest.
The kids local library has a reading challenge to take pictures reading by water so we used this time to get several of those pictures taken.
We even got a picture on the dinosaur at the gas station on the way home. It was so nice to just slow down and explore the area I grew up in and the drive to and from where we live and where I was raised.
But we did see family on this trip and that was sooo fun as well:

Our extended family, some of them live in the country as well but with so many more toys than we have! And baby cows! We also got to see my uncle and his wife as they came to visit from several states away. I loved visiting with all of them.
Back home, you found us outside for most of the month.
Eating breakfast on our decks. We do most mornings it's nice out.
I had them pause briefly as they were playing so well together.
We planted our garden. Here we are planting our sweet corn.
We have had water fights.
Observing a dove's nest and her eggs. This nest didn't make it to hatching thought unfortunately, due to a storm.
Payton cleaning out her fairy garden from all the weeds so we can see the beauty again! In this same bed, the peonies are blooming as the month wrapped up:
The tree in that bed was also in bloom and gorgeous:
And weeds that are pulled normally go to the chickens, as shown here, in this picture with our Jayden:

Riley using his slingshot.
We explored.
Monte loves the chickens!
So much time spent swinging on our swings. I also love the bonds of my children. It's so special to watch.
Also, spotlight on that sweet girl above. She is all country and loves her life so much, she even started using mason glasses for her water:
Jayden took a picture of us as Monte and I worked hard to get haircuts done in a small window of time. We were successful and the kids will need haircuts again soon I am sure. Their hair grows so fast, just like their bodies.
We also got invited to a bbq at the park by the lake (about 25 minutes from us) so we went! We also went way early and took time to hike the area prior to the park bbq.
I even took the lake picture and converted it to this beautiful black and white that I am considering framing! So fun!
Bubbles at the park bbq. Riley tried to catch some.
A birthday party in the park we attended
We also went to a glow in the dark swim our ymca put on! We met up with one of our friends there!
Along with a free swim at the local ymca, there was another day this month where our bank sponsored sno cones. SO.... we ventured out for some free sno cones from Tropical Sno. I don't know that I mention enough on here how grateful I am for this small community. There are so many great businesses and community members and clubs always finding neat, free things for our community to get to do. I am so entirely grateful for the memories my children will have of growing up in this area.
We also went to our local parks to play.
Back inside our house, we are trying to eat healthy, like below is a healthy salad we've been rotating in:
Riley made his own board game and it was so fun to play. He's so creative.

The boys also spent a few weeks sleeping in face masks and slippers. Didn't last long but was fun while they did it.
This month was a big month for us as we started a pollinator garden from scratch after going to a library speaker who talked about her bees. She encouraged all of us to have a pollinator bed (she said even 12x12 inches is fine) but we went way above that and did a 7x7 FOOT bed! The library provided lots of seeds for getting started and we had some sunflower seeds to add to it:
We also started a bee hotel (above) and as I am writing this post that is put up and ready to go... but you won't see until next month's recap I am guessing! Sorry to keep you waiting in anticipation.
We went to the children's museum for their monthly second breakfast (only to unfortunately find they were basically out of second breakfast) but we still had fun playing. Hoping next time we get a full second breakfast bonus:
We also took a trip to see Monte's family as well as our oldest nephew on that side graduated high school. It was so good to get so many cousins together:
Back at home, I may actually see peaches this year on our peach tree. This is more progress than we have ever had since planting the tree (minus the peach on it when we bought it):
Riley lost his first tooth and then Payton wrote a letter for him for the tooth fairy:
It's so fun to see the kids growing up. But I sure wish I could slow time down. The tooth fairy did come and Riley can't wait for the next visit. He already has another loose tooth!
This month was crazy busy and I had forgotten about some things already until I saw the pictures. I am so grateful for this blog and a collection of pictures and typed memories of our family.
Until next month! Bye for now!