I was looking at the schedule today and we have less than a month already of summer break. Womp, womp, womp. It has gone too fast for us and we are 100% not ready to go back. So, I am not going to even think about it. Long live summer!
June was so good to us and so full of all the summer fun stuff we love. We actually have so much on our to do list this summer and I am hoping we can get all the bucket list items squeezed in. So, without further ado, our June:
The splash pad (above) and park (below). The kids didn't really want to do the splash pad this year and were convinced they outgrew it. But, I had a random idea to go anyways and told them to do it for Avery. She will want the splash pad, especially in the next few years. And guess what? My kids had a blast! And towards the end, they had friends from school show up which made it even more exciting. 100% worth doing.Above they are reading at the park which was a library challenge they were completing. After they read, we got a good walk in. We are also really into fishing this year at the park so now I will load you with tons of fish pictures. I lost track of how many times we went fishing (the kids were in a weekly y group and they convinced dad to take them any chance they could), so we got lots of opportunities this month for fish pictures:
Avery continues to bring us lots of joy as we snap any picture of her we can:
One of the times we made it to the pool! The kids had a few friends and has so much fun.
We also made it to climb the large look out tower one day. We never do this as often as we would like but are thankful for the times we go. No kids struggle with this climb but we reminisced on how Riley was so afraid of heights he struggled to convince himself to walk each set of stairs and then would be glued to the middle concrete wall once he got to the top. How quickly seasons change. It's really so true in so many ways that nothing lasts forever.
We have enjoyed smores and a fire pit many times this month and it is truly a delight for our family.
Our town held their local, annual festivities and this was the only picture I got. I guess I was having too much fun. We went to the parade and then the middle of town has lots of kids rides and activities. Then there was a car show and shopping. We look forward to this celebration every year.
Coffee shop dates for the win! We made it a few times and generally use this time as a treat after we clean the whole house together. It's a win/win for me as I get to come back home to a well cleaned home.
There was one unusually rainy and gloomy day that we couldn't really get outside. So, we made lemonade out of lemons and literally had a tea party. This is the first tea party for Avery! She had a blast and especially loved working on her pouring skills.
This summer we are also working on the kids watching Avery while I do a quick workout at the gym. They are in the play room and I am just up the stairs if they need me. I snapped this picture as I returned from one morning. I would say, this arrangement has been working out well for all of us.
Avery and Payton together. Avery is really into lounging. She will happily lay on the couch and a blanket any time she sees them. This may be brief but I do think this is my only child to do this at such a young age. This makes it extra sweet, we all get a kick out of her resting.
One random Sunday, I snuck out for an afternoon matinee to see Inside Out 2 with the big kids.
I loved all of it. It was a cute movie but I was just so honored to spend some time with my kids doing something that is a very rare treat for us.
Back at home, we are processing raspberries:
I think all the kids eat their weight in raspberries as they pick. But I did get a little into the freezer this year, a first for us.
We also picked sour cherries and I made pie! One is sour cherry and one is strawberry rhubarb. They were gone within hours. We also made bread:

We made it to several library summer reading programs. The picture above was a wildlife encounter program and the kids got to help with a huge rabbit (I can't recall the actual breed).
One last picture to round this recap up. A picture of a nest we found:
A beautiful nest spotted but not just any nest. I believe this was a cardinal nest. A true blessing. I was so thankful for this find and getting to watch these babies for the short time we got to see them.