Fall is basically here as I type this, so this post is truly an ode to summer. The ends of summer weather are fantastic. Still warm days that the kids can get outside, especially after a long day at school. And yet, we know winter is coming. The mornings are cold. So cold they edge close to freezing. Then it warms fast and we still hit highs of sometimes 80 degrees. The Midwest keeps life magical with their daily weather temps. Some people loathe that about this area but I secretly love it!
This month, our privacy fence, aka the corn crop, came down. We watched it harvested as we do every year. Saying goodbye is hard and we are now exposed to all the roads again.

Another picture as the fence came down because we seem to obsess over the details in our environment:

Outside though we have seen fascinating signs of life!
Baby deer running across the road!
We are still loving the views from the hot tub and it's one of my favorite ways to destress:
And this view. This view:
Sigh. I love these 4. Watching them will never get old for me. And inundating this blog with pictures of them will always be my thing. They truly mean so much to me. I am lucky to be their mom.
My husband found a new look!
We do a cleaning day each week and the kids have chores. Avery really likes assisting siblings now with their chores:
I got sucked into the sour dough craze and I am loving it. Even the most unappealing looking bread has turned out so tasty:
We have also loved sourdough waffles and pancakes (same recipe):
We got the best blessing ever and got to celebrate one of my daughter's friends on her birthday. It was so fun to enjoy a child I love like my own. Her family had a school activity for another child and we made sure the day was still one to remember. The cake I baked her, she was thrilled:
We got out to the park a few times. This is a picture Jayden insisted I take and keep forever:
He also called me one time from grandma's phone when she visited and I was running at the park. Our first phone conversation together. I chose to take this picture and save it forever, hmm, I wonder where he gets that from:
We also got a park play picture with Payton and Avery:
We did football and punt, pass, kick this month. It's been crazy busy and I really only had this one picture to show of our time:
And we didn't just celebrate one extra birthday this month, but TWO! Grandpa was also at our house for his birthday so we celebrated with a falling apart cake of our own creation. He was totally shocked:
Now for a section on sweet Avery. Each kid grows so fast but they really seem to get a spotlight when they are little and before they go to school. I found her one day in her brother's bed and snapped this picture where she looks so big I can't even begin to process the time:
And just random outside play pictures:
Reading the mail after we grabbed, on our walk back.
Posing so pretty for pictures on our side road:
And one picture in her play house:
Saw Payton drink from the hose so she had to try!
On an outing with mom. She takes her backpack (gifted to us from friends and mom's keys). She's quite the helper.
Freezing at a football game while sitting with dad.
Also at football games she would get creative by creating clothing items out of the bags that hold the chairs.
And if you ever take your eyes off her for a second it means trouble. Like climbing kind of trouble:
Always take the side profile picture:
Naps on the drives are still a thing although I would love more naps in the crib:
And just her with mommy:
Pretend sleeping:
And inside playing with Barbies and unicorns, which she is loving so much:
We met friends for a fall festival day at the local museum. Funny story, we actually rode with them as my vehicle wouldn't start. My husband was gone and we had a friend come help me fix it. Which we did get it running (not by tapping what we thought was the starter though but it still worked). But when it was time to leave I couldn't get to start again. We were just going to declare a weekend at home when our friends said they were picking us up. We made it work and laugh about the car troubles.
The only picture of that day! They toured the museum and painted pumpkins. We had ice cream. It was so fun.
Side note, I am probably not the person to call if you have car problems. I have no idea what I am doing.
We had a random day off of school and the kids asked for a rest day so that is just what we did:
Then we got out to play at the Children's museum for a bit:
Then I surprised the kids with dinner at the park before heading home:
The picture about sums up the scene. A lot of lot and a lot of chaos. All in all, I love our bonus days home from school!
I got out one night with friends to decoupage the word READ:
It was homecoming week! The kids dressed up for all the days while I can only find pictures for a few of them, but how it goes for me any more. I can't catch it all but I am physically there for most of it!
Pajama day:
Dress like dad day:
Princesses vs. Superhero day (Riley really loved this one):
And lastly, a big thing happened at our house. Riley has been asking to make the move to his own room on another floor. So, we took the leap of faith and converted it from a guest bedroom to his room and he has transitioned so well. I was surprised but he is loving this new space!
Things just keep changing and the kids keep growing. I wish time would slow down and I also love to see where life takes my littles.