This is hands down my fastest summer ever. We still have time but looking at our full and plump schedule, it feels pretty much over. I'm working hard to get some cleared out days in July to just be. Yes, just be. Do nothing. Sit still. Get bored. We all need that sometimes.
The beginning of June did start a bit slower. Lots of outside time:
The road to our house.
Our garden
The kids looking at bugs
So many good views and sunsets...and lots of days of catching the sun rise as well.
The above and below pic show our kids harvesting sour cherries from our tree
A sweet bird's nest we got to find in our backyard.
We had a special visitor in our cornfield next to our house.
We also added a basketball hoop to our household and the kids are working really hard on their skills.
And then we showed our youngest the walkman and he's been seen ever since with it:
Lots of bike time:
And lots of picnics outside, we try to get as much time outside as possible, can you tell?
When it gets too hot for us, we get inside for some fun time as well:
This year we have our daughter cooking one meal a night on Thursdays. It's been such a hit that Riley now has one day a week he chooses and assists as well:

And we also have lots of snacks on the
Our library has a summer reading challenge and the kids went through it as fast as possible. We definitely love a good challenge.
Our library also had a pet reading challenge, meaning take a picture of an animal or pet reading. So, you guessed it, we did it:
And then we promptly ran to the library to see our entry:
And then the month really sped up. We had a few trips and a visitor. First, we went out of state to get Jayden's cast off and turned that trip into a fun vacation spent laughing, playing, and swimming:
Little man was so excited to have that cast removed:
We came back and grandma came to visit:
There was one night we decided to split the adults and kids (an even match) and each group got to do a date night of the child's choice. It was the best, best time for all of us:
We love having grandma visit, it's always just the best time!
One weekend we took a trip to see the other grandparents. We camped and hung out on their property.
My world together in one photo.
There is a cute town we pass through on the drive with cutouts all along the road. The kids love looking for them and finding them. We had to make a stop at the gas station of that town and get a picture with one set.
Every June our town has their big annual bash. We attended and went to the parade and festivities.
As the month started to come to an end we had a friend bring us a surprise breakfast pizza and our kids were so thrilled:
One morning, Riley decided to try on one of his brother's shirts as he had been insisting that they still fit him for awhile now. Sure enough he managed to squeeze into one: