October came so quickly and we also transitioned from summer to fall abruptly, so it goes in the Midwest. Although, as I type this we had a few days this week that felt like spring rather than fall but that is also to be expected where we live. I actually like the variety in weather most of the time.
Let's talk all things October!!! First, we did what we always do before Halloween and we headed to a few pumpkin patches!
The first pumpkin patch we went with some friends. Monte and I both went down the slides with the kids. Monte hit a bump wrong going down and felt the pain of that for weeks to follow. It was a fast slide and not my favorite thing to do but we will do anything for our kids.We went to another pumpkin patch another weekend as just our little family. I think we picked the windiest day in October to go. We came home with more than just pumpkins and goodies (popcorn, slushes, and cotton candy) but also with a pile of dirt in each head of hair.

It has also become one of my favorite meals. Along with having Riley home one day this month we also had Payton home one day (a totally different day than Riley). She woke up with an eye almost swollen shut so we gave her a day to rest and heal that eye. But... we definitely enjoyed our time with her as well:
The kids working on coloring pumpkins, part of Jayden's preschool I had planned that day.
One random night we got a phone call from our neighbors asking to bring us extra food. They ran out of room in their fridge/freezers so they brought us over all the excess. They recently retired and were hosting lots of family while they had their retirement party. And I am here to tell you, it was a true blessing and a real way to show community to our children as we were surprised with this gift.
Also speaking of food, we made BLT one night for dinner and I forget how easy this is to make and I don't know why I don't have more often:
Note that this is on my homemade subway bread making this a bit more work but it was a few days after making so we were trying to use up the bread as quickly as possible. Riley stayed home from school one day and outside of resting a lot since he was under the weather, we also just enjoyed our bonus time with him. The boys made pretzels:
They also worked on their yoga:
And we got some fresh air outside together:
Our fields were harvested next to us. Which is always a moment for pause and reflection as we approach another changing of seasons:
I have worked really hard at learning to make frittata and it truly is an art:It has also become one of my favorite meals. Along with having Riley home one day this month we also had Payton home one day (a totally different day than Riley). She woke up with an eye almost swollen shut so we gave her a day to rest and heal that eye. But... we definitely enjoyed our time with her as well:
The kids working on coloring pumpkins, part of Jayden's preschool I had planned that day.
We also made banana bread:
And snuggled on the couch for some tv:
With everyone in school most of the time, Jayden and I love to get out! We met up with some friends this month and played at the local children's museum:
We also spoiled the family and picked up donuts. Something I slightly regretted later as the next week arrived with Halloween and I was reminded of the sugar overdose that brings all on its own.
Grandma and Grandpa came down for the weekend and we enjoyed them as well as multiple birthday parties and trick or treating/Halloween events. Here we took the kids to decorate pumpkins at our local YMCA:
And Riley got a new haircut:
And snuggled on the couch for some tv:
With everyone in school most of the time, Jayden and I love to get out! We met up with some friends this month and played at the local children's museum:
We also spoiled the family and picked up donuts. Something I slightly regretted later as the next week arrived with Halloween and I was reminded of the sugar overdose that brings all on its own.
Grandma and Grandpa came down for the weekend and we enjoyed them as well as multiple birthday parties and trick or treating/Halloween events. Here we took the kids to decorate pumpkins at our local YMCA:
Way back in May (I think) the kids made special plates at the local library and they FINALLY arrived! We had been waiting so long for these special plates! Despite the long delay, the kids would love to make them again if its offered:
For fire prevention week, we took the kids to our local fireman open house they host yearly. It is fantastic. The kids can tour firetrucks, a meal is provided, and lots of activities are around for the kids. They also do a firetruck parade complete with all the fire trucks, ambulance, and middle school band playing. The kids even got some candy at the parade, a total treat.
Jayden worked really hard on a new puzzle:He also spends lots of time in the kitchen with me:
Here he is making chocolate chip cookies for an after school snack for everyone. He also just loves a good picture:
We still try to get out into nature as often as possible, this month was just more challenging for a variety of reasons. Exploring though is really our thing:
We carved our pumpkins for Halloween in between all the fun life stuff we had gong on:
And then Halloween arrived! We have several activities and the kids wear a variety of costumes in a short period of time. Here was have darth vader, princess leia, and luke skywalker for our town's trunk or treat:
Then, we broke all the rules and allowed ice cream for dinner:
For Halloween trick or treating, Jayden was Jake the pirate:Payton wanted some makeup too for her witch costume:
Riley stuck it out with his darth vader costume, except for the nursing home trick or treating where he switched it up to a fireman. And one of the last pictures I had on my phone for the month:
How lucky am I? All 3 kids coming running towards me. They wanted to have me play a game with them and were super excited about it. In the brief second I saw them running at me and took this photo I was so full of gratitude. I have so much good in my life. It's full and busy and all the emotions but it is so beautiful and rich and satisfying for me.
How lucky am I? All 3 kids coming running towards me. They wanted to have me play a game with them and were super excited about it. In the brief second I saw them running at me and took this photo I was so full of gratitude. I have so much good in my life. It's full and busy and all the emotions but it is so beautiful and rich and satisfying for me.
And that wraps up our month! Except for one tiny little announcement we are ready to make!
We are adding one more the crew and we are so, so excited. I am still in shock as this wasn't necessarily our plan but it is God's plan and we are leaning into it.
"A grand adventure is about to begin."
-Winnie the Pooh
And we even know the gender:
Yes, a baby girl. 2 boys and 2 girls in a span of almost 10 years. We feel truly blessed beyond measure and are so excited to add another chapter into our book. Baby girl, we can't wait for Spring 2023!!!
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