November recap, here we go! This month the man in the below photo has a birthday and his four spoiled him well:
He kicked off the month taking one weekend to hunt early opening season with our boys. They spent lots of time together and with the grandparents. They even got to see the grandparents and cousins on my side for a few hours as grandma took them to my hometown for a bit.
The girls and I were left at home and we enjoyed ourselves as well:
We got outside, went to the children's museum, ate together, and went to church. It was a great, quiet weekend with just the girls. A real rarity.
Monte spent his birthday day back at the land deer hunting again. and this year it was fruitful:
He came home and got to tell the boys all about his trip. His daughters have very low interest in this kind of adventure so they stayed away. The boys were thrilled though and helped all that they could. They can't wait to hunt themselves!
Our sweet neighbors dropped off a pizza kit and dough kit for us and we felt so spoiled. We are so lucky to be so blessed by our community:
My mom came to visit and we surprised the kids by her showing up for a kayaking adventure we were on. It was the best! The looks of some super surprised kids:
And grandma had fun:
Guess who is another month older? Well, technically we all are. But, Avery hit 7 months! Growing like a weed and so much personality. She is super happy most of the time and we feel so blessed to have her in our life. She sits up and gets into position to crawl (although not quite there yet) and enjoys trying foods even if she spits them out most of the time. She lights up with all of her family members and is pretty cautious now of anyone outside of her immediate family.
The kids had a dress up day to dress like the lorax. So our kids were all trees:
Monte and I both attended the holiday feast. Since our oldest is in a different building I joined her while Monte went to the lower elementary school building. It was a wonderful meal and we joined them at recess after before returning back home.
Payton finished her diamond art project she has been working on for months:
For Thanksgiving we went to Monte's parents house for a few days. I got zero pictures. Not a single picture to show for it. But, it was a good time and we stayed super busy (thus the lack of pictures). We returned back home and I did end up with sleeping pictures of 3 of our 4 kids on the day we returned. That's how tired we were.
And that last few days of the month we were back to school and extra curricular activities. Here Avery and I are hanging out in the car while one kid is at piano and the other two are playing football in the grass while we wait.
We also stopped at the park a few times:
Jayden was with us for these park stops but he was lucky enough to see friends both times and was off with them. Sometimes, he forgets about us a bit. We're working on that.
Around the house, we have been watching this great horned owl:

He loves watching our chickens but seems to find food all over our property (not our chickens though). He is huge and this picture does no justice. Such a beauty to watch.
Monte took the kids to the movies while Avery napped. Riley wasn't interested in the movie so he chose to spend some time with me. We sat and talked together for a bit and then he asked to play Madden. He proceeded to get his best score he's ever gotten and therefore wanted it documented:
And my other two had fun at the movies with dad:
And that's a wrap on our November! Off to December! Happy Holidays!