Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tenth Letter to My Little One

Okay, I have to be brutally honest about pregnancy! I have been sooo tired! I have, unfortunately, not written a letter for my pregnancy journal in months! Almost 3 months to be exact! My last letter was written in December. Nonetheless, I have finally written another letter for her (YES, it is a SHE, we found out at our second ultrasound in the last trimester)! See below:


My Little One,

You are a baby Girl! Our second ultrasound will forever be one of Mommy’s favorite moments in life. We got to see you move all over and were very pleased with how active you are! We didn’t care what your gender was, but finding out made everything seem so real for us. My plans for the future already started to solidify as I painted in a beautiful little girl! 

Mommy and Daddy plan to teach you so much about the world and I wanted to tell you a few lessons that I especially hope that you will learn from me.

1. Jesus loves you for you. He also has a plan for you. Trust him.
2. You can make the world a better place.
3. One can never go wrong with kindness, integrity, and being very clear about your expectations.
4. Never trust a man who is unkind to his mother.
5. You can be anything you want to be.
6. Dance like nobody's watching.
7. Love with passion.
8. Don’t be afraid of a broken heart.
9. Find an appropriate way to vent frustration, rather than speaking mean words.
10. A good book can change your life.
11. The world needs your point of view.
12. Nothing you tell me will ever make me want to stop hearing from you.
13. The world is full of mean girls, choose not to be one.
14. I’m on your side; especially on the days when it doesn’t feel like it.
15. Your body is not just yours. It’s a gift for your husband. I promise it’s worth waiting to unwrap together.
16. Marriage is an act of courage, commitment, and sacrifice. It’s also the most fun you’ll ever have with your best friend.
17. Be the friend you wish you had.
18. I will be your best friend. But I will be your mother more.
19. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t do it, wear it or say it.
20. You will have to find a way to get along with people you don’t like.
21. Make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes.
22. Travel.
23. "It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do."
24. Stand up for what you believe is right.
25. Your daddy has loved you better and longer than any boy ever will.
26. Be the kind of friend you want to have.
27. Dare to be different.
28. Life is fast, live slow.
29. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.
30. Do unto others as you'd have done to you.
31. You are not entitled to anything, it has to be earned.
32. Nothing will make me love you less.
33. Nothing will make me love you more.
34. You’re the most brave when you’re the most scared and keep going anyway.
35. Learn all that you can.
36. Dream big.
37. Apologizing takes strength. Be strong.
38. Find friends who become family.
39. If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is.
40. I will love whoever you choose to love.
41. You will always be my baby.
42. Life can change in an instant, never take what you have for granted.
43.  Trust your gut feeling.
44. Guardian angels and heaven are real.
45. You can always come home.
                                                     Love You Always,                                                             Mommy

What are the things you want to teach your child?

Please, no one tell me I am the only one that didn’t keep up with my pregnancy scrapbook as well as I had intended?!?! Life got ahead of me and now I am sooo close to having my little one. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get my brain back?

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