Thursday, July 12, 2018

Our 7 Month Old Baby

 Well my little baby, we are wholeheartedly loving you! You definitely have so much sunshine to offer this world. I don't think you can take a bad picture and you are all smiles, even between the crying and begging for a nap.
And holy growth spurt baby. You have grown so much in 4 weeks. I had pulled out 6 month clothes for you after posting the 6 month baby update and 3 days later, we made a jump to 6-9 months. Today, you are mostly wearing 9 month clothes (like the onesie in the picture above). You have just grown unbelievably fast. 
Developmentally you have made leaps as well. I went to our 6 month well child checkup and was concerned about you not holding your head up. You didn't love tummy time and seemed unmotivated to even try looking around. Then, about a week later, you just decided you were ready and spent 2 days working super, super hard on these skills. You learned to hold your head up and roll at the same time. Today, you are a rolling machine and use it to get anywhere you want to go.

Sleep has been a struggle still. You love naps and are still taking tons of naps a day and then don't want to sleep at night. My night owl? Maybe, probably. The tricky part is your siblings go to bed early and your brother rises extremely early. This mom is struggling to manage a night owl and an early riser combo and it's making me overly exhausted. We are trying to convert you to the other children's schedule. Wish us luck in the next month.

Baby Jayden, thank you for all your smiles, love of toys, and curiosity in everything. You are constantly looking for social interaction. We can't wait to see what the next month unfolds. We love you so, so much!

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