Saturday, February 18, 2023

January Recap

 It is mid February as I write this. Somehow, I didn't think this post would get done and I did consider skipping all together. As I looked through our pictures I changed my mind about skipping it. But, I will keep this brief and just go straight to the pictures!

Happy New Years! Our family celebrated this day just us and it was an all day event. Some (Payton and Riley) dressed up and others spent most of the day in their pajamas (Jayden). All in all, we had a great day together. 
The first also kicked off with sickness. A round of strep throat for my husband and for Riley. Fortunately, the rest of us were missed this round but, unfortunately, that caught up to us in February when we all got strep. 
Payton and I got out for a date night together. It was the best! I love my 1 on 1 time with my kids. She is seriously growing up so fast. 
All 3 kids went to lego club at the library and made some amazing creations! Monte used to take just the big two on his own but in the last few months we have transitioned to us all going (one month before that I took them myself). And it's been fun to switch it up a bit. 
The kids took a yoga class. It wore them out and they enjoyed it even though they argued about going every week. I think it's a great stress reliever and I want them to experience it in case they decide to use as their coping strategies (which we already have since they sometimes ask to do relaxing yoga before bed). 
We cleaned out and reset most of our house! I have worked really hard, maybe it's nesting or maybe it's just the new year and new year's resolutions. Either way, we have done a lot around here. Payton helped me sort and reorganize my spices. And I will forever have her 9 year old handwriting on my spice rack labels. I love that so much I could just stare at her sweet handwriting all day. 
The kids got outside to play in what little snow we had left. But, not to fear, we got hammered with another storm shortly after this picture was taken. 
I made subway bread! A real treat!
More snow that came our way! This picture is from our front deck and the snow earned us a snow day. 
The kids and I all got out to sled and enjoy the weather, first thing in the morning, so it was extra cold. But the lighting was outstanding! It's so fun to marvel at God's work. 

Payton brought this home from school. We are so excited for baby!
A morning of eating breakfast together before the big kids head to school. 
I mentioned above that we have cleaned and decluttered and reorganized. I ended up doing a total closet purge to get myself to a point where the clothes I have actually fit in my closet. This has been a goal since we moved in! Our last house had a walk in closet so I had a ton of clothes. I struggle to part with things and also accept/buy so many things. This was a huge goal but I made it happen with some help. 
Now, all of what I have fits into my tiny space. But, I do think I can make this work and it will end up being better (less overwhelming) to have fewer options! We will see after the baby comes how this close works out for me!
We got back into the rhythms of preschool at home!
I took the kids to a movie at the movie theatre. It was Puss in Boots. It was good, a tad scary for my kids, but overall we all had a blast!
Jayden and I continued our monthly meet up at the children's museum. Always a fun time for us!
Just a growing belly! 28 weeks with baby #4! Photo courtesy of Riley, who seems to volunteer frequently to get a picture for our family. 
One day for after school snack, we made muffins. Always a pick for Jayden when he gets into the kitchen with me. 
Picking up Riley from school and below is a picture of Payton and Riley being dropped off. We had a special project for Riley at school so we used both of these pictures. Just a typical day for us. 
Our area has a pop-up play area and Jayden and I have frequented that several times. But, one day we got to take Payton and Riley (and dad) with us:

The kids are really into geo caching and we have done several adventures since Christmas break. Here is one we found at our local park. 
While at the park completing the geo caching, we also let the kids walk on the ice. They loved finding fishing holes and pretend skating on the ice. 
Payton made some art creations!
Life can be so simple here. While cleaning I found their pez containers from a year or so ago and some new packages of pez. Complete with hot cocoa, the kids were thrilled with this impromptu treat!
Just a random picture of my kids hanging out together. They are thick as thieves. They are super close and I love that. I am so very thankful for them each and every day!

That was it for us in our month of January. Some outings but so much time at home as we adjusted back to the school rhythms and after school activities again. Outside of those, we just wanted to be home. Where we belong. 

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