Friday, July 5, 2019

Our Month of June

June went by quickly as most of our life seems to these days. It was another good, full month for us. I'm hoping for life to slow down sometime but as I'm told, with kids it never seems to slow down. Life flies by when you are busy having fun!

So, the highlights of June:

1. We made it to the zoo!
We took our monkeys on a trip to the zoo. It had been a few years since we had gone last (I was pregnant with Jayden at the time), so it was time. We had so much fun spending the day together. We spent the night downtown and had so much fun walking around the big city, eating outside with traffic whizzing by, and then stopping at the donut shop on the way back to our hotel. The kids got to swim and are always amazed by the continental breakfast. We are all looking forward to going again sometime.

2. Dentists Check-ups and Treats
The big kids went to the dentist and had amazing appointments. I was so relieved and thankful. A flavored ice stand was strategically placed outside the dentist so how could I say no to little faces asking for a treat after a good appointment? I caved and they each had the smallest size available... which as you can see is HUGE. They ate it all. And it was so good.

3. Our local town's holiday

Every year our little town has a special weekend celebrating their Swedish heritage. Payton walked in her first 5K with her dad. After their 5k, we went with visiting cousins to the parade, car show, and vendors downtown. This is always such a fun weekend celebration.

4. Fairy garden
The kids are still obsessed with fairies and Payton really wants to see one. Riley thinks he saw one last summer! Their cousins got them a fairy garden set that grows flowers so we spent a morning planting seeds and the rest of the month watching it grow!

5. Saying goodbye and hello
The harder part of life for our kids is teaching them to say goodbye. The kids wanted more chickens in the spring and that mean a bigger coop was needed. We sadly said goodbye to our old coop and sent it off with another family just getting started in the chicken world.

Our new coop was built by my husband in a weekend. And then a storm came through and knocked it down the next weekend. That's life here, it keeps us on our toes. It has been repaired. No birds were injured. But we live to tell the tale.

6. Getting Outside
We have been to the park countless times already this summer. I love the park, the fresh air, and just watching my kids be kids. This year our park got a story book walk and that has been so fun to have something new to do.

7. Sour Cherry Harvest
Our cherry tree is ready to go and we have been busy picking and processing cherries. The kids help pick in the mornings and then while Jayden is napping we work on pitting them. Payton and Riley provide so much help to me and I am so grateful for that. But I know they do it because they love the pies and extra sweet treats they get out of them!

8. Cycle of life
We have been so fortunate to see a few nests this year and have watched (made sure not to touch) the cycle of eggs hatching into baby birds. In one nest, the birds have already flown away. It's been so fun to see what nature provides us with. Payton took both of the above pictures.

She also took this picture of her brother:
She definitely loves photography and has quite an interest. I look forward to seeing where she goes with her gift.

9. A visit from Great Grandma
Like the zoo being a few years since our last visit, it has also been a few years since Great Grandma came to visit. She spent a few days at our house with my mother and our family had so much fun seeing them. The next week, Great Grandma returned and had surgery at a nearby hospital and we made the trip several times to see her. Although surgery is not always welcomed, spending so much extra time with loved ones is. We are so glad she is in our life and thankful for the stories she has shared with us.

The main highlights of the month! So much go, go, go but we love our slow mornings playing around our property and walking our side road. So many miles have been put on that road and so much life happens at our house when we have nothing going on.

July is busy as well but I look the most forward to our quiet.

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