Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Our February 2023

 It's halfway into March as I type this. We are starting to all get anxious as we await for the arrival of baby #4. It could be 3 more weeks or any day now. In any case, February flew by as we continue to live life!


We took the kids to Pizza Hut to eat! Childhood memories for both my husband and I. It's not the same as when we were little (as we used to have an arcade and party room in ours) but we all had a good time. 

I did a closet clean out. My closet is stuffed now with maternity clothes but this will be how it looks (hopefully) once baby comes and I can remove the maternity clothes. This was a big deal for me as, since moving from our last house (9 years ago) I have gone from a huge closet to a tiny one and my amount of clothing hasn't aligned. This was a goal from the beginning and I am so glad to finally be fitting my clothes into the container I have. 

We got out on our property for some hiking adventures and walking on the ice covered stream we have!
I don't know if it was the new year or baby coming but we are cleaning out the kitchen like crazy and resetting the house. 
I snuck out for a date with Payton! I treasure my time with her and am so excited to watch her become a big sister again. She is probably our most excited child for baby girl to join us. 
For the Valentine's day party, Payton and I made Toothless for her box. 
Riley and daddy made a Mario lego Valentine's day box. 
Payton decorated for a Valentine's day party for our own house. We celebrated with a special meals for both breakfast and supper and ate by candlelight for both. It was so much fun!
We got a lot of snow and the kids enjoyed playing in the big snow pile out front. They made a home and went sledding. We also walked the park route a few times:
And got into a snowball fight:
Back home, we have made several fun things this month. Strawberry poke cake:
Jayden made some allergy friendly chocolate sunbutter cups:
We also tried a dairy free cream cheese and Jayden loved making flag toast and bear toast with it:
Each February, Payton and her daddy go on a special father/daughter date night that our local y puts on. They look forward to it each and every year. 
This also means I get a date with my boys and we look forward to it as well. While Payton and her dad eat a formal supper and dance, we opted for a drive around the snowy park and to have a picnic supper on the floor of our living room with a movie. We all had so much fun!
We also celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary and surprised the kids with a trip overnight in a nearby city:
We picked up food and ate at the hotel:
We got out with our scooters and did some geo caching:
But, probably the best of all, is the pool we got to enjoy:
We had such a good time! We hope to go back again someday soon. On our actual anniversary day Jayden and I bought some goodies from our coffee shop and took them to my husband at work. This way he wouldn't have to share with all the kids and it was a real treat for him as we rarely are able to go to his work (no visitors allowed). 

We got a snow day from school! The kids and I cuddled up to watch a show and my husband took this photo as he had to walk out and go to work:
We love our snow days! We wish dad could have stayed home, too, but sometimes work calls. 

Jayden and I made it to what may be the last time we go to second breakfast and play at our children's museum. Baby may be joining us from this time on. I tried to really soak up my day with him. 
We even made a run to target and he got to try Starbucks for the first time, he was thrilled:
Riley snapped this picture of me at 30 weeks pregnant!
And we went to our last ultrasound:
Baby #4 we are so excited to have you join our crew. 

Our house stayed home for the super bowl but we made a huge feast and had a great time celebrating:

We got scooters from Christmas from Grandma and are sure putting them to use, here we took them to the park where the cement path was cleared:
And I got a few pictures off of my husband's phone. This month he was super intentional and took all kids out on one on one dates:
Jayden at Dairy Queen with him.
Payton chose a dinner at a local sit down restaurant. 
And Riley chose breakfast pizza for breakfast one weekend morning. All three kids enjoyed their special time with their daddy!

Riley is keeping us busy with losing teeth:
I think he has 6 holes in his mouth now! Hopefully his new teeth come in fast!

That sums up our month! We are now fully focused on preparing for the arrival of baby and getting all the things ready for her while enjoying our time as a family of 5 until we become a family of 6.

Have a great March!

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