Thursday, April 20, 2023

March Recap

 I'm writing this halfway through April. March was a good month to us and April has been ever so sweet to our family. As I write this post, we now have baby #4 with our family, sleeping, and she is healthy and so very loved. It's bittersweet to work on this post as it is pre-baby. I already don't know how we ever lived without her.

I'm going to start with my final pregnancy pictures of what will most likely be my last pregnancy. 

This pregnancy was so bittersweet and so easy, God really blessed me with that. Our sweet baby loved to lay horizontally in my tummy until the very end (she even resisted going vertical during part of her birth). This was my first baby to come at 40 weeks and I was so thankful for a chance to meet that goal as my others all came before that point.

In preparation for baby, I got out for dates with my children as much as I could this month. I love soaking up time with them:

It was Dr. Seuss week this month and we celebrated at our local library where the kids did crafts and a scavenger hunt:
This picture is minor but HUGE to me. When we moved into our home 9 years ago, I wanted our hvac system not in the middle of our basement. It impacted the layout of the space so much and your eye went right to it as you walked down the stairs. Unfortunately, our ac/heater went out and needed to be replaced. We decided to pay the extra money to have it moved into our storage room. It was well worth it:
Random notes from Jayden that make my heart swoon:
Still making food! Baked some raisin bread for a surprise after school snack:
We were so blessed and thrown a surprise baby shower! It was so fun and I feel so unworthy. Our baby is so blessed beyond measure:

Above are some cute cookies at the baby shower! I'm still in shock about that party as I type this.

Payton stayed home with us for a mental health day from school and we soaked her up thoroughly:
We added in cabinets into our living room and they have made a huge difference in the space and adding storage we desperately needed:
We also got carpet replaced in our bedrooms on the main floor and therefore said goodbye to our beloved rug that was in Payton's room. I miss it already and had a hard time parting with it:
Getting ready to remove carpet:
And new carpet:
We added some baby chicks into our lives:

While we emptied the rooms for new carpet, we decided to paint Payton's bed from black to white:
Our dishwasher was replaced so the boys took the old one apart. It was fun to watch my kids learning to think about how things work and how they are put together:
We got a few more good snows this month:

Grandma came to visit and went and had lunch with Riley. Jayden went with her:
We had another school dress up week. The only photos I captured from this round was dressing like your favorite character, Payton chose Cindy Lou Who and mustache day:
We received the sweetest gifts from my aunt for the kids and baby:
We had Riley for a bonus day from school and the boys had the best time together spending most of the day outside:
We also celebrated St. Patrick's day! The kids wore green and the leprechaun came to our house leaving a scavenger hunt and luck pennies for the kids. 
When the weather is nice we try to sneak outside. After school one day I took the kids to park to play:
We also did some different Easter library crafts over each week this month:
During the day, Jayden and I continue to work on school and trying to get outside to explore any chance we can:

This was a big month for Jayden as he had kindergarten round up! He had a blast and loved this morning so much.
I took the following picture the morning of:
So bittersweet to watch my children playing together well in the early morning. Soon after this quiet morning our house would go into full blast as we all got ready for school and took, not 2, but 3 kids to drop off. Kindergarten round up and the first day of kindergarten have a way of fully pulling at my heartstrings. It's so crazy how fast time goes. I wish I could slow it down. 

Our town did a scavenger hunt with businesses this month. 20 businesses participated and we did most of the walking downtown and definitely got our exercise! The kids had a lot of fun and I was able to witness how many local businesses they knew about and what they still had to learn. 
It was a beautiful month as we finished out our time as a family of 5, before becoming a family of 6. As the saying goes, the best is yet to come!!!

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