Monday, February 3, 2014

A Moment to Read

I love to read! I have since before I can remember! When I was in graduate school, I interned under a licensed psychologist, who seemed to always enlighten and inspire me.

One day, in a therapy session with an 8-year old client who claimed to "hate reading" and was struggling academically the psychologist said:

"You know what not liking to read means? It means you just haven't found the right books! Once you find the books you like, you won't want to put them down and you will change your mind forever about reading."

The psychologist went on to explain she didn't like books either until she was in middle school and was introduced to the Nancy Drew series. To this day, she claims mysteries to be her favorites.

I took that message to heart that day. My story was much different than hers as I always loved to read. Any free time I have, which is very little these days, you will find my nose stuck in a book. My reading interests vary (depending on my mood) but right now I am loving books that make me laugh out loud!

I want my daughter to love reading, too. I try to read with her at least once a day!

How often do you find time to read?

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