Believe me when I say, it's getting harder to be creative with her monthly pictures. It is also more challenging to take a good picture now that she wants to move constantly! Needless to say, I am relieved to know her monthly pictures will be ending soon (insert sigh, she is growing up fast).
Month 7- Her 7-month birthday was on her first Thanksgiving! She had a blast with my side of the family in my hometown (can't you tell by the picture). She rolls over constantly now, will sometimes stand on her feet (with help), and loves to PLAY (especially with our dogs). By the end of Month 7, she was crawling (backwards not forwards... yet). She celebrated her first Christmas in her own house with her immediate family (since it was on a Wednesday). The following weekend, Christmas was celebrated with her Daddy's side of the family.
Month 8- Wow, slow down! She is growing and changing so quickly! During her 8th month of life she mastered crawling (all directions now). She is into everything now! She also got her first tooth... and then her 2nd tooth this month! She is also saying "Da-Da" all the time. She tries to say other words but she isn't quite there yet. She loves dancing and giving hugs and kisses.
Month 9- At the beginning of month 9, she started eating meat. She loved it! She went on her first family vacation, a trip to the cabins camping! She now says, "uh-oh." She also knows how to lean over her highchair and "feed" her puppies. She pulls herself up and can stand as long as there is something to hold onto. She keeps amazing us everyday with something new she has learned.

What a blessing our little one has been for us! It is amazing how fast time flies when you have a little one!
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