Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Go To The Library

If you have been following me for awhile, you already know I love libraries. My love has only deepened since having my kids. First, they offer free activities there and the option to continue the fun at home. For kids, ours has a play area, story time, puzzles, and computer games. My daughter loves to bring home new (to her) books and "moos" (movies) to watch. I love that the movies have to go back before I'm forced to watch them for the 395th time.

My daughter has also increased relationships with other children her own age, learned to patiently listen to stories being read, and has deepened her relationships with the librarians. They address her by name and want to know her. I have loved watching her grow at the library.

Today, after story time, one of my daughter's favorite librarians introduced her to the computer games. This was something I have avoided because I knew it would make it very challenging for me to get her to leave. Of course, she loved playing Dora with help from the librarian. My days at the library will never be the same...
The library holds a special place in my heart and will now also hold very special memories for me as I've watched my children learn and grow within these four walls.

So run, do not walk, to your nearest library. You won't regret going.

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