We also added 2 cats, by accident. Both wandered into our backyard as kittens, about a month apart, and we kept after no one claimed. They have made the perfect addition to our little family.
We actually survived several family road trips with less issues than the year before. Traveling with littles is, um, challenging to say the least.

When I quit working full time (now work extremely part time), I made a promise to my family to continue to find ways to cut down our expenses. This was a good year for that, with most of our savings made in the kitchen. I converted to freezer meal planning, learned to make more food items from scratch (bread, hot cocoa, oatmeal, pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, and tomato sauce). We also continued to throw any extra money towards our mortgage and we are starting to really feel the progress. We still have a ways to go though, with anticipated pay off to be in 2020.
Thoughts on 2016:
In the past, I have loved making resolutions and want to share a few goals for 2016. My first and foremost being that I want to give up coffee. Since having my daughter, I found coffee to help me keep up with her. I have had periods of time where I went without coffee and I personally feel better overall when I'm not relying on coffee. Last month, I was drinking 1 cup a day and then I transitioned to only having coffee when I felt too tired to go on. My hope is that when I run out of coffee I won't feel the need to buy more.
Despite traveling going well in 2015, we are contemplating staying home for the holidays in 2016. We think it may be time to start our own holiday traditions as a family. Of course, everyone is welcome to join us in our home if they want.
The last major goal I have for our household is to focus on a diet change. We eat almost all meals at home and I make most foods from scratch, but I have noticed some foods (homemade bread, brownies, cakes) are adding a bit to our waistlines. At the beginning of the year we were eating much healthier than we ended the year, so I'm planning to stay on the healthy track this time around. This goal is getting kicked into high gear this month as I take a clean eating course.
Finding time to exercise is just as challenging. With 2 kids, it's hard to find the time and energy. I don't think getting up before the kids (I see bloggers getting this in at 5:30am) is right for me. I'm currently working out with my kids in the mornings and plan to keep that up as long as it continues to work.
Bring in 2016!
What are your resolutions for this year?
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