As I was thinking up my mental to-do list in my head and rocking my child to sleep for a nap. I was caught off guard as she started babble talking to her owl blanket. It was such a sweet moment. A moment I probably missed half of because I was too far into my own thoughts!
Take the time to enjoy the small moments. After all, they are only a moment. And then they are gone. Those precious moments, whatever they may be, will be the memories you will hold the closest to your heart.
My photo at the beginning was taken during another almost lost moment. I was shoppig at Target with the hubby and little one. At one point, while looking at housing goods we heard a quiet rumbling sound. We checked on the little one to find her softly snoring and sleeping so peacefully. Yes, it was a good moment! I couldn't help but just stand there watching her!
Nothing is more precious than watching a baby sleep. Don't you think? So take the time to enjoy the precious moments you are given today. As I post this, I will be going to snuggle with my little one and I promise I will enjoy every second of it!
What moments do you find yourself missing half of?
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